"How are you?" "I'm Good" Dear brothers, dear men, the time of "I'm Good" is D O N E. What the world, our women, our families need more than ever, are open, vulnerable, transparent, grounded, powerful, wild, gentle, embodied, speaking our truth men. To be that, what needs to stop is this outdated broken habit of Holding It In. The habit of not speaking & showing what's actually happening inside. The habit of thinking that sharing our emotions is making us look weak. The habit of holding back parts of us, which others might be actually longing for. And to be honest, probably YOU are so damn tired of holding shit in, bottling up emotions until you brake! Speaking of shit, did you know our emotions, fears, anger, traumas, on a physical level are literally being collected in our Anus? The place where are root and first chakra is? The place where our Man G spot is? The place where our power is? The foundation, the pillar of our own being? .. FUCK YES it's scary to be exposed and vulnerable like that, i completely get it! I've been that scared boy who learned from his family, school, other kids, that all of me is not welcomed. That all my emotions but happy are considered a No-No and unhealthy. If not re-learned, healed, those habits will transfer into our adulthood. Into our relationships, work, goals, to our kids.. It will lead us into avoiding conflicts, insecurity, unworthiness.. From micro moments to big ones, often completely unconsciously. So do you understand now better why so many men become violent, ungrounded, unhappy, impotent, depressed, leaking their frustration on others, wage wars? .. So, be vulnerable my brother. Be in your power. Be trustworthy by speaking your truth. Be happy. Be sad. Be angry. Be emotional. Be masculine. Be feminine. Be raw. Be love. Be all that you are. Cause the biggest gift you can offer to yourself and this world, is All that you are. Nemanja

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